terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014

mensagens de scammers -golpistas virtuais

his:" name is "MARK AFRED" (withe man)
new skype is :Mark.afred111
i saw him on line too ...

messenger yahoo: heartoflove404@yahoo.com

his  son " Wilson" he call me sometimes from this number 0023 703 888 9700 but i think this number have  Wilson 2 not Wilson 1
i send you pics wiht 2 boys ...
for now its all ...

14 de setembro de 2014 08:01
i have this pics from Wilson2 becouse this number  have Whatsaap and this photo was first on the screen ... and they change later for wilson1.

Collage of phisical and health education mosogar/sapele delta state. p.m.b 4088.this is the address to send the phone to and after you send give me the information okay mom.

and this is sms fron wilson. ge want cell phone. but this is adresse for post.dhl.ups.tnt.
Hello mom,how you doing today i want to tell you that mr OPKOJI FELIX  have transfer, so send the money to our seminar  director name:ASANEYA PROMISE OBRUCHE. Okay love you mom.


de: genrobert <jessica_kip@yahoo.in>
responder a: genrobert <gneralobertcone@outlook.com>
Hello Dear,

I am General Robert W Cone, i am a US ARMY GENERAL, I hope this mail will find you well & healthy and I hope we can establish a relationship since we are meeting here for the first time,i have gone through a profile that speaks good of you and I was impressed when i saw your profile and decided to communicate with you. your are a very beautiful and responsible, It is my desire to know you, I like honesty, trust, love, caring,truth,& respect, I have all this qualities in me, but kindly respond to me through my private mailbox {geneconerobert@outlook.com} so that we can know ourselves better. I hope to read from you if your are also interested. Thanks and hoping to hear from you soonest.


de: genrobert <geneconerobert@outlook.com>
responder a: genrobert <geneconerobert@outlook.com>
Hello Dear,

I am General Robert W Cone, i am a US ARMY GENERAL, I hope this mail will find you well & healthy and I hope we can establish a relationship since we are meeting here for the first time,i have gone through a profile that speaks good of you on this site and I was impressed when i saw your profile and decided to communicate with you. your are a very beautiful and responsible woman It is my desire to know you, I like honesty, trust, love, caring,truth,& respect, I have all this qualities in me, but kindly respond to me through my private mailbox {geneconerobert@outlook.com} so that we can know ourselves better. I hope to read from you if your are also interested. Thanks and hoping to hear from you soonest.

EMAIL DELE É :  patricksmith140@gmx.com
 Minha querida, quero que saiba que eu te amo muito, tenha chegado a salvo e eu sei que você orou por mim, que virá ao Brasil em 17 de setembro de 2014, quero que me dê o nome do seu aeroporto perto da tua casa, para que quando eu chegar vou chamá-lo para vir buscar-me meu amor.Eu te amo porque você  é minha felicidade e minha futura esposa, quero que saiba que você está sempre em meu coração e preciso muito agora mais do que nunca para estar contigo e ser muito feliz, para que possa envelhecer juntos meu querido, você é a melhor coisa que já aconteceu na minha vida que eu te amo mais que tudo meu querido, você é meu único amor é porque preciso muito agora para sempre dormir sempre em seus braços e me sinto muitof eliz, kisssssssss