domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Richard. scammers militar

l Atualmente se encontra em Kampala a capital de Uganda, de onde me mandou um email solicitando ajuda financeira para chegar até a África do Sul, onde poderá pegar um voo de volta para sua cidade nos Estados Unidos. Informou que deixou o acampamento sem comunicação a ONU, por isso está em dificuldades para conseguir dinheiro para se deslocar de Kampala até África do Sul, conforme os emails que transcrevo agora:

 " 25 March 2015  12:57
Darling....I Arrived Kampala around 3pm in the Afternoon Yesterday....and I was so Happy i Arrived Safely Even though we had so much Obstacles on the Road but really the Driver Tried so Much to Get me to Kampala...i met my Colleague in the Hotel where the Driver lodged him....He told me that he only had few money left for him to stay in the hotel and that hes waiting for his relative to send him some money to go and book a Flight in South Africa which is more Safe and Reliable.....I told the Driver that he Should take us to American Embassy but he Said that would be More Dangerous because the way to the Embassy is Full of Militant  and that the Embassy is where the Militant are more Focused... he also gave me a reason and i also thought about it......the reason is that there are Militants all around Kampala and we might get Kidnapped on our Way to the Airport....Even the Driver Said its Dangerous for us because we are Whites people and that the Militants wont Hesitate to Kidnap us when they See us....He Said that he Can Drive us to South Africa but it will take 2 days and there we can book a Flight Easier without no Stress and no Fear to America..
  Im Using the Hotel Computer to Send you a Mail Darling just for you to know that I Arrived Kampala Safely Thank God.
26 March 2015 06:46
"Darling.....I wish i could Download Yahoo Messenger here but i Cant because the Hotel wont Accept it.....I dont think you Understood the Mail i sent you Earlier.....There no way that i Can get to the Embassy because the Road leading there is full of Militants.....Do you want me to get Kidnapped???
 What Im thinking of now is how to get $400 to go to South Africa and then when i get there you can book Flight for me from your Credit Card....My Colleague said soon he will leave because his relatives will send him money soon to move to South Africa.
  Darling at least I have left the Camp and i am so Happy about it just to move on now.
02 April 2015 01:05
" Darling.....Ive been Unable to use the Internet for some days now thats why you havent heard from me......Im really Sad because i am alone now and my friend has left to South Africa and i know that as Im sending you this mail now is should almost be in South Africa....His Relatives sent him Money and he left.
here is my Passport Number....C953042631717...............I would have love to Scan and send it to you but i cant here because they dont know how to do it.
I know you must have been so worried and i know so because i am too......Hows your Brothers Health now.