quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

mensagens de golpistas virtuais

email dela ibrahimramata01@gmail.com

Ola tudo bem e

Nao sei como voce vai se sentir ou reagir a este mas eu
gostaria que sejamos amigos e conhecer melhor uns aos outros
e trocar ideias juntos.Entao se voce nao se importa por
favor responder para mim o mais rapidamente possivel para
que eu possa lhe dizer mais sobre mim e a minha familia
junto com as minhas fotos para voce me conhecer melhor.
Aguardo para sua resposta urgente.

Abracos fortes,

Ramata Ibrahim
O email que ele usa é:
17 de setembro de 2014 00:00
Hi ,
Compliment of the season and I hope you are doing well..
I am in need of your assistance. My name Gen Campbell John. I am in a military unit here in Afghanistan,I have $.5 Million US Dollars that i have moved out of the country.I need a good partner someone l can trust.. It is oil money and is legal.
I have made arrangements with a Diplomatic courier service that moved the funds out of Afghanistan as a personal properties to a security company there in Malaysia. The most important thing is can i trust you? Once the funds gets to you, you take your 25% out and keep my own 75%. Your own part of this deal is to find a safe place where the funds can be saved.my own part is sending it to you.If you are interested I will furnish you with more details. But the whole process is simple and we must keep a low profile at all times. I look forward to your reply and co-operation,I thank you in advance,you can send me your email i.d so that i can furnish you with more details,You can write me back through my e-mail address, johnmark70@rocketmail.com
Gen Campbell.

IBRAHIM NELSON <ibrahim_nelson101@hotmail.com>
28 de jul