domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013 malasia

O email dele é
Este é o perfil do facebook

"Hello My Princess,

I have sent the parcel containing HP Laptop computer and Jo Malone Perfumes, and one Black Berry Storm2 9550 handset phone, a neck-lace with a lily of valley rose flower ,our engagement ring(diamond) and the sum of 85,000 Dollar sealed in the same pack to enable you settle Some fees {Hotel and car rent} and my daily needs when i come to your country, I can imagine how hard you are working and i do not want to come and be an extra burden to you. Honey i also include my investment document and some of the things i will use in your country in the package keep it well for me."

"From my Inquiry the package will arrive to its destination 2 to 3 days time.

web site:
Tracking Number: mary_55018653

Go to the company website and track it through online tracking to know when the parcel will arrive to your country.

Please let me know when you receive the package.

Honey you know my heart is open for you .This short moment we have met and chatted together has been an elevation in my life so i willingly decide to share with you .I will always be here for you.

Honey it's very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish i could do this in person while holding you in my arms and gazing into your eyes but since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness this expression must come in the form of latter such as this. i know it's difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated so long. life seems to be full of trails of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another. Our love has been assaulted many times, and I’m convinced that it's true because the longer I’m away from you. The great is my yearning to be with you.

I cherish any thought of you. prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my tiny, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be. Until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace and my most passionate kiss. i love you so much. Keep my investment document well for me.

Attached here are the Photo of the package,the diamond ring, with the Airway bill just to enable you identify it when they will come to deliver it to you. You have to keep your phone because the company will call you when they will come for delivery. I will travel to Venezuela today for the contract i told you about, after 3 weeks, I will fly to your country to meet you and your family members .

Your Prince,

O que me fez desconfiar da estoria foi o pacote ter ido parar na Malasia ao inves de vir direto da Europa para cá, já que ele remeteu o tal pacote de londres.

Espero estar ajudando de alguma forma e quero ver sem duvida o perfil dele exposto em sua pagina sobre fraudes. Aqui estou enviando tambe´m as fotos que ele me mandou e algumas que eu peguei do face dele de quando era mais jovem e de sua atual aparencia.

Eu devo lhe dizer que tenho mais tido mais alguns contatos com scammers no skype também. Um deles realmente feriu meu coração. Vou lhe entregar as estorias uma a uma, ok? Mas eu quero guardar a minha identidade em segredo, por favor. Porque eu me sinto ridicula passando por esse tipo de situação, mas eu realmente desejo desmascará-los e sei que isso é possivel atraves de sua pagina. Obrigada por tudo.